Image service Special needs services
Custom Code
Sub description one Technology
Sub description two Inclusion
Sub description three Physical education
Sub description four Employment
Sub description five Physical health
Sub description six Emotional health
Description service Special needs services programs that include technology, inclusion, physical education, employment, and physical and emotional health issues.

The firm has written grants for Special Needs Services Programs that include technology, inclusion, physical education, and physical and emotional health issues. KS Collins & Associates will:

1. Assess your organization’s readiness for federal, state, local and foundation grant applications.

2. Research and identify potential grant funders for your organization and its programs.

3. Develop your case for support, including research to validate your case.

4. Ensure that your application provides verifiable outcome measures.

5. Provide technical review of your supporting documents, including budget development.

6. Provide grant reporting services and other follow up required by funders.